Friday, October 1, 2010

Cave Transparent Goby (Coryphopterus glaucofrenum)

The Cave Transparent Goby or Coryphopterus glaucofrenum is a saltwater fish that makes a great addition to most aquariums. This fish is considered to be very easy to take care of, and is certainly interesting to watch. As you can imagine with a name like the Cave Transparent Goby, this fish has a body that is partially transparent along with a series of orange spots that cover its entire body, including its head, fins and tail.

This species of Goby is native to Maldives where it is found around reefs. In an aquarium setting this fish only requires about a 10 gallon tank with the following water conditions, 72-78° F, dKH 8-12, pH 8.1-8.4, sg 1.020-1.025. Like most other Gobies, this fish is quite small, only growing to about 3" in maximum length. Make sure you don't keep similar Gobies in the same tank unless they have plenty of room. They will attack each other if not given enough space. These fish should be fed brine shrimp, table shrimp, mysis shrimp and other frozen meaty foods. If you provide them with branching coral you don't need to feed them quite as much.
Cave Transparent Goby fish are known to spawn in an aquarium setting. Giving them a cave will increase your chances of success. This saltwater fish will lay its eggs on the ceiling of the cave and before you know it, you will have little Cave Transparent Gobies swimming around.


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