Friday, November 12, 2010

Types Of Small Aquarium Fish

There are several types of small aquarium fish that do better in the smaller environment. Here are a few that are great for starters.

Small Aquarium Fish Tetra

Tetras are great small aquarium fish due to their like of cold water. They are best in a small school.

Small Aquarium Fish Guppy

A guppy is a very small fish, and also does well in colder water

Small Aquarium Fish Platy

A platy is a very colorful fish, and it also adapts well to various small aquarium environments.

Small Aquarium Fish Danio

The Danio is a very hardy small aquarium fish.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

African Cichlids Fish

First off, cichlids is pronounced “Sick-Lids”. African Cichlids are fish found in Three lakes in Africa; Malawi, Tanganyika and Victoria. The Victorian Species are less numerous and usually less colorful than the others. These fish usually grow to about six or seven inches long, with the exception of the Frontosoa Species, which grow to about twelve to fourteen inches in length. Fortunately, these fish are freshwater, and easy to raise in a home aquarium, the only requirement being that they have water with a higher pH level and plenty of hiding spots (they can be quite aggressive!). There are also species of Cichlids that live in the Amazon Basin, but these get much larger and are much more aggressive than their African relatives.

Coral Beauty Fish

A small angelfish, usually available at your local pet store, they really are a fish one needs to see in person to have a full appreciation of their color. These fish are usually keepable in any marine aquarium and are very hardy.

The Siamese Fighting-Betta splendens

For hundred of years, the Siamese Fighting Fish or Betta splendens, has been kept and cultivated by people in Thailand (Siam). Today, the Betta is popular throughout the world – though not for the purpose of fish fighting but as a peaceful aquarium resident. Through years of selective breeding, pet store Bettas look vastly different from their original, wild-caught ancestors. Instead of just a few colors, they can now be purchased in an array of hues including red, blue, turquoise, black, white, yellow, and brown.

In addition, their fins have greatly increased in size and are much more elaborate; among the different types of hybrids available are the Veil Tail, Delta Tail, Half Moon, Double Tail, and Crown Tail. Of course, it is only the males that have the long, elegant fins and do all the fighting. Females have much shorter fins and are not as vividly colored as the males. Interestingly, Bettas are air breathers; they use a unique organ called the labyrinth to process the oxygen in the air and they will die if they are unable to reach the waters surface.

The Betta’s native habitat is the warm, still ponds, swamps and rice paddies of Southeast Asia. There, among the leaves and branches of the dense undergrowth, these carnivorous fish hunt for small insects and larvae.

ct6.jpg image by BettySplendens

Although the Bettas found in pet stores today have been captive bred, they should be kept in conditions that mimic their ancestor’s natural environment. Therefore, an aquarium (minimum size of 10 gallons) that is decorated with several plants and that has gentle water movement will suit them best. A cover, with a few small openings to allow air circulation, should also be provided to prevent them from jumping out.

Bettas like warmer temperatures so the water in the aquarium should be kept between 76-85 F with a slightly acidic pH of 6.5-7.0. Their diet should consist primarily of meaty foods such as brine shrimp, bloodworms, freeze-dried tubifex worms, etc. Bettas can grow to 3 inches long and live for up to 3 years if cared for properly. As far as tank mates are concerned, Bettas get along fine with most fishes; but do not keep them with aggressive species or any that are prone to pick at their beautiful fins. Male Bettas can be kept together in the same tank only if they are partitioned off from each other – otherwise you can expect some shredded fins, missing scales and not-so-nice looking fish